Current report 60/2014


Getin Noble Bank S.A. ("Issuer") hereby reports that in performance of the agreement concluded on 20 March 2014 between the Issuer and Getin Holding S.A. with its registered office in Wrocław ("Getin Holding"), with the participation and through Noble Securities S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw ("Noble Securities"), ("Agreement"), on 8 April 2014 Getin Holding transferred to the Issuer the title in 858,334 ordinary registered shares in Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Europa S.A. with its registered office in Wrocław ("TU Europa"), with the nominal value of PLN 4,00 each, and the total nominal value of PLN 3,433,336, accounting for 9.08% of the share capital of TU Europa and conferring the right to 9.08% votes at general meetings of shareholders of Europa ("Shares"), for the total price of PLN 165,658,462. The transfer of the title in Shares and the payment for the Shares was effected through Noble Securities.

Furthermore, the Issuer reports that on 8 April 2014, it concluded with Getin Holding an agreement under which the Issuer established a pledge on the Shares in favour of Getin Holding with the right to exercise voting rights pertaining to them ("Registered Pledge"). From the date of entering the Registered Pledge into the Pledge Register it shall replace the civil pledge on Shares with the right to exercise voting rights pertaining to them.

The Issuer reported the establishing of the civil pledge on the Shares with the right to exercise voting rights pertaining to them in Current Report 52/2014 dated 20 March 2014.

Legal basis: Art. 56 (5) of the Act on Public Offer and Conditions of Introducing Financial Instruments to the Organized Public Trading and Public Companies dated 29 July 2005 (uniform text published in Journal of Laws dated 2013 item 1382).