Current report 61/2014


The Management Board of Getin Noble Bank S.A. (“Issuer”) hereby announces that on 10 April 2014 it was informed by Mr. Krzysztof Spyra – a Member of the Issuer’s Management Board under Article 160 of the Polish Act of 29 July 2005 on Trading in Financial Instruments (Journal of Laws No. 183, item 1538) on the following transactions involving ordinary bearer shares of the Issuer made form 3 April 2014 to 9 April 2014 by persons closely related to Mr. Krzysztof Spyra in the meaning of Article 160(2)(4b), i.e.

  • International Consultancy Strategy Implementation BV in liquidation  - sale of 420.679 shares  of the Issuer labeled with the ISIN code PLGETBK00012 for the total price of PLN 1,389,240.23, unit price of PLN 3.30 per share. The transaction was carried out on the regulated market continuous trading system through Millenium Dom Maklerski S.A.
  • KKBBK Ltd. - sale of 1.291.361 shares  of the Issuer labeled with the ISIN code PLGETBK00012 for the total price of PLN 4,268,034.19, unit price of PLN 3.15 per share. The transaction was carried out on the regulated market continuous trading system through Noble Securities S.A.

Legal basis: Article 160(4) of the Polish Act of 29 July 2005 on Trading in Financial Instruments (Journal of Laws No. 183, item 1538).