Current report 88/2014


The Management Board of Getin Noble Bank S.A. (“Issuer”) hereby announces that on 7 October 2014 it was informed by the proxy of Mr. Krzysztof Spyra – a Member of the Management Board of the Issuer under Article 160(1) and (3) of the Polish Act of 29 July 2005 on Trading in Financial Instruments (Journal of Laws No. 183, item 1538) on the transactions of sale of 175.000 ordinary bearer shares of the Issuer made from 30 September 2014 to 2 October 2014 by a person closely related to Mr. Krzysztof Spyra in the meaning of Article 160(2)(4b) of the above Act, i.e. KKBBK Investments Ltd.

Below please find the list of transactions according to trading days:
1) on 30 September 2014 – sale of 75.000 shares at the average price of PLN 2.83 per share;
2) on 2 October 2014 – sale of 100.000 shares at the average price of PLN 2.74 per share.

The transactions were carried out through a brokerage house Noble Securities S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw.

Legal basis: Article 160(4) of the Polish Act of 29 July 2005 on Trading in Financial Instruments (Journal of Laws No. 183, item 1538).