Current report 9/2015


The Management Board of Getin Noble Bank S.A. („Issuer”) hereby informs that on 29 April 2015 the Supervisory Board of the Issuer appointed Mr. Artur Klimczak Vice-President of the Management Board of the Issuer as of 1 July 2015.

Information on the Vice-President of the Management Board:
Mr. Artur Klimaczak graduated from Florida International University (Miami). He started his banking career in the United States in 1990 within Citibank Group, holding successively posts of credit advisor to regional manager responsible for local branch network. Starting from the year 2000 he continued his career in Poland managing the area of services for wealthy clients Citigold. In 2003 he took a post of the Managing Director for Middle Eastern Europe and was responsible for Wealth Management.

In 2005 he started working for Millenium Bank S.A., first as Retail Banking Department Director responsible for branch network. In 2009 he was appointed a Member of the Management Board of the Bank responsible for retail banking division.

In 2012 he was appointed Vice-President of the Management Board responsible for Retail Banking Division.

The Issuer hereby presents detailed professional experience of Mr. Adam Klimczak:
2012 – 24 April 2015 Vice-President of the Management Board of Millennium S.A. responsible for Retail Banking Division:
• Branch Network (retail customers, Prestige)
• Private Banking Department
• Direct Banking Department (Call Center)
• E-Banking Department
• Retail Banking Marketing Department
• Operational Support Department
• Sales Suport Department
as well as companies from Millennium Group:
• Millennium TFI S.A.
• Millennium Dom Maklerski S.A.

2009 - 2012 Member of the Management Board of Millennium Bank S.A.
responsible for Retail Banking Division

2005 - 2009 Retail Banking Department Director of Millennium Bank S.A.
responsible for Retail Banking Division, including Branch Network (retail customers, Prestige)

2003 - 2005 Managing Director for Middle Eastern Europe CitiBank Polska (Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A.)
responsible for wealthy clients division Citigold (CitiGold Wealth Management)

2000 - 2002 Managing Director of CitiBank Polska (Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A.)
Managing the wealthy clients division Citigold

1990 - 2000 Credit Advisor – Regional Director CitiBank US
As regional manager responsible for local branch network in the United States

Mr. Artur Klimczak according to the statement submitted to the Issuer shall not be engaged in competitive activity as of the date of taking up the post of the Vice-President of the Management Board and is not entered into the Register of Insolvent Debtors.

Legal basis: Article 56(1)(2a) of the Polish Act of 25 July 2005 on public offering and the conditions for introducing financial instruments into an organized trading system and on public companies (Journal of Laws No. 184 item 1539 of 2005 later amended) in connection with §5 (1)(22) and §28 of the Minister of Finance Regulation of 19 February 2009 on current and periodic reporting by issuers of securities and the rules of equal treatment of the information required by the laws of non-member states (Journal of Laws of 2009 No. 33, item 259 with later amendments).